Renaissance College


  • Checklist for starting a student-run club:
  • 1.   Create a Google Doc where you will compile all of your ideas, planning, attendance, comments, etc.
  • 2.   Share this document with your teacher supervisor and agree your plans.
  • 3.   Create a timetable for your sessions and what you want to accomplish each week.
  • 4.   Send details of your club to Ms Wong [email protected] to be advertised to students and parents in the ASA calendar. 
  • 5.   Optional: Send an advertisement to your supervisor to run in the student bulletin to recruit student members.
  • 6.   Decide how many students you want to accept, and if there are too many students interested, notify later applicants that the club is full.
  • 7.   Send out a Google form to members to gather details about all the members.
  • 8.   Share the club goals, expectations, and schedule with students involved. This shows organization on your part.
  • 9.   Take attendance each meeting, and create a back-up plan in case you are absent. Is there someone who will run the session for you?
10.  If you are holding meetings or activities outside school hours YOU MUST HAVE A TEACHER SUPERVISOR ON THE PREMISES. If your 
       teacher can’t be there ensure another teacher supervises the group. Inside school hours, the teacher must be present or available to  
       supervise the students for the duration of the activity but they do not need to participate in the activity. Support staff may not be used as  
       a substitute to supervise students. Students cannot stay late on campus on their own running activities.
11.   Students cannot be left unsupervised at all if they are leading other students in sports, dance,  cooking-related activities or using school 
       technical equipment. 
12.  This club or activity is a time where you are providing a service to people who can't normally access it. It needs to be run PROFESSIONALLY 
       and always maintain the integrity of why you started the club. Remember you are the coordinator and need to make sure your 
       participants are happy and are getting what they signed up for.

13.  Train someone younger in the club who might be able to take it over in the future, promoting sustainability and ensuring that your 
       excellent work will continue.

14.  ** Fill in this Student-run Club Proposal Form and email Ms Wong ([email protected]) to let her know.

  • Additional steps for starting a club for primary students:
1.   You must send an email to Mr. Doucette (Acting Head of Primary) asking for approval for your club [email protected] along with a copy of the information you wish to send out to parents.

2.  Once approved, contact the communication team and ask them to send out your information as an e-blast to primary parents of  your target age, CCing in your supervisor and Mr Doucette. Have two emails formulated to send back to parents. One starting with ‘Congratulations, your child has been accepted to participate…’ and one saying ‘Unfortunately due to place restraints your child will not be able to attend…’ That way when you receive emails you will get from parents you will be able to immediately respond.

3.  You will need to have all details of the child’s name, class, age, parent’s email. Create some kind of Google Form for them to fill out so you have all the information centrally located.

4. You will need to also make a schedule which will be given to parents to show what the students will be doing at the club so they know it is age appropriate. You will have to make it very clear that students will be unattended from 3-3:15 when you will then pick them up. They will also need to be picked up on time at completion of the club and that needs to be made clear to parents.

5.   Create a sign in/sign out sheet so you can keep track of the children in the club. The club CAN NEVER BE CANCELLED so you need to ensure that you can attend all the dates in your club or have a back-up plan.

6.  The Club MUST BE SUPERVISED BY A TEACHER as you have younger children in your care. Please ensure that if your teacher supervisor is unable to attend, another teacher is organised.